Vehicle Reservations

Facilities Management has a fleet of sedans, minivans, and twelve passenger vans available for authorized daily rental. You can submit a Vehicle Reservation Form to reserve a vehicle. Vehicles are reserved on a First Come First Served basis, so make sure you submit as soon as possible.

Keys must be picked up at the Facilities Management Office during our business hours.

Only the authorized driver is able to pick up the keys. If you are using a vehicle on the weekend, be sure to pick up the keys by Friday during our business hours.

For Fleet Vehicle Emergencies, please see packet in the glovebox for instructions. 

Any questions can be sent to


MileageSedansMinivans12 Passenger Vans
30 miles or less:$15$20$25
For the in between:$15+(in between
mileage at $0.30 per mile)
$20+(in between
mileage at $0.30 per mile)
$25+(in between
mileage at $0.45 per mile)
Maximum:82+ miles: $30132+ miles: $50154+ miles: $80
Consecutive Daily Rate:$30 per day; unlimited miles$50 per day; unlimited miles$80 per day; unlimited miles

Each department is responsible for any traffic violations and/or damage incurred while using the vehicle.

Vehicles should be full of gas when you pick them up, and full when you return them. Please make a note if they are not full or if there are any other issues during use.

If you do not refuel the vehicle, your account will be charged a $100 fee plus the cost of the gas to fill it up.

If a vehicle is left in state that it needs to be cleaned after your use, your account will be charged a $50.00 cleaning fee or the cost of the clean.

If the keys are lost for the vehicle, you will be charged the cost of the replacement.

Failure to pick up your keys or give a 24-hr cancellation notice will result in a $25 fee.

Note: Facilities Management has the right to deny driving privileges after numerous offenses.


In order to reserve a vehicle, all drivers must meet the following guidelines:

  • Be at least 18 years of age to drive a College car or minivan, and at least 21 years old to drive a 12-passenger van.
  • Possess a valid driver’s license from one of the 50 states.
  • Be an Authorized K College Driver
    • For cars and minivans, you will need to undergo a Department of Motor Vehicles screen by submitting a Background Release Authorization to Human Resources. This is required at least annually.
    • For 12 passenger vans, after becoming an authorized driver, you must take a 30 minute online test at Facilities Management anytime during our business hours. Each student must also schedule a driving test with Campus Safety via email at All requirements must be met before we can issue the keys.
  • Students can have no moving violations during the last three years, and Faculty/Staff can have no more than two moving violations during the last three years, no convictions for driving under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances during the last five (5) years, and no convictions for serious infractions such as reckless driving, leaving the scene of the an accident, or fleeing a police officer, during the last five (5) years.

Note: Facilities Management has the right to deny driving privilege if a driving record consists of numerous violations in any given time period.

K College Buses

Trips must be booked at least five (5) business days in advance by submitting the on-line Vehicle Reservation Form. The College owns two buses with a capacity of 35 people each. Bus trip charges are as follows:

Weekday Rate:

  • Labor rate – $35 per hour (two hour minimum)
  • Mileage rate – $0.75 cents per mile
  • Monday through Friday

Weekend Rate:

  • Labor rate – $50 per hour (two hour minimum)
  • Mileage rate – $0.75 cents per mile
  • Saturday and Sunday

Note: The trip begins when bus leaves Facilities Management and ends when bus is parked. Overnight bus trips must be approved by the driver and the group using the bus for this trip. If the trip is overnight the organization using the bus is responsible for the driver’s meals and accommodations.