Dear Campus Community,
Due to staffing challenges (the custodial team currently below 70% of normal capacity), Facilities Management is implementing a team cleaning approach to ensure all areas of campus receive proper custodial services. This shift means custodians will no longer be assigned to specific buildings, but will instead work in teams covering multiple areas.
What to Expect:
- The time of day your building is cleaned may change.
- You may see different custodians in your building.
- There may be less continuous custodial presence throughout the day.
How You Can Help:
- Please dispose of food waste in common area trash bins. Individual office trash will be emptied once per week.
- Avoid placing liquids in any trash bin. Use a sink instead.
- Communicate needs directly with the Facilities office rather than individual custodians to ensure requests are properly tracked and addressed.
- Be patient. This is a new process, and we appreciate your cooperation as we fine-tune operations.
If you need assistance between scheduled cleanings, please contact the Facilities Management Office at x7308 between 7:00 AM – 3:30 PM.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
Susan Lindemann
AVP for Facilities Management