Facilities Management News

Why is my building so cold?

Why does K use this kind of a system?  Simply put, this type of system is far more energy efficient than cooling spaces with a residential style air conditioner.  They also last longer and require less maintenance.  The largest air conditioner units can cool about 3,000 square feet maximum.  Just imagine the 100’s of individual […]

Dow parking lot closure 6/28/23

Facilities Management staff will be closing the parking lot between Light Fine Arts and Dow Science on 6/28/23 from 6:30am to 8:30am for a bulk acid delivery. We will re-open the lot as soon as the delivery is made. This should not be any later than 8:30am. Chris Buckhold Maintenance Manager Facilities Management

Facilities Work Request System Restored

The on-going connectivity issues with the Facilities Management Work Request System have been resolved.  As a reminder, the quickest and most effective way to get support for a building maintenance issue is to enter a work request.  Event set-up needs should be entered along with the reservation in the Facilities Calendar. If you have an urgent […]