Electrical Distribution Infrastructure Upgrades

The final phase of the Electrical Infrastructure Upgrade will take place during the Summer Academic Recess of 2025. During this phase, each campus building will be removed from the existing electrical circuits and reconnected to the new electrical distribution loop one at a time. The process will be different for each building, depending on their existing electrical configurations. While this project is not intended to address the electrical systems interior to buildings, in some cases, it will be necessary to make modifications within their electrical service entrances. That is why some buildings will require longer outages than others.

The table below lists the date for each transition. During the transition, there will be NO POWER to the building. In some cases, emergency generators or battery back-ups may be providing some assistance, but that is different for each building, and critical needs are being addressed case by case. You should assume that you will not be able to occupy a building on the day(s) it is scheduled. 

Shutdown Schedule per Building

BuildingDurationStart DateEnd Date
Anderson1 dayTuesday, 6/17/2025Tuesday, 6/17/2025
Fitness and Wellness Center & Markin1 dayWednesday, 6/18/2025Wednesday, 6/18/2025
Natatorium1 dayThursday, 6/19/2025Thursday, 6/19/2025
Olds-Upton1 dayFriday, 6/20/2025Friday, 6/20/2025
Facilities Management1 dayFriday, 6/20/2025Friday, 6/20/2025
Crissey (1st)5 daysMonday, 6/23/2025Friday, 6/27/2025
Severn (2nd)5 daysMonday, 6/23/2025Friday, 6/27/2025
Harmon & Hoben4 daysMonday, 6/30/2025Thursday, 7/3/2025
Hicks1 dayThursday, 7/10/2025Thursday, 7/10/2025
Stetson Chapel1 dayThursday, 7/10/2025Thursday, 7/10/2025
DeWaters5 daysMonday, 7/14/2025Friday, 7/18/2025
Humphrey House1 dayMonday, 7/21/2025Monday, 7/21/2025
Arcus2 daysMonday, 7/21/2025Tuesday, 7/22/2025
Stowe Stadium1 dayTuesday, 7/22/2025Tuesday, 7/22/2025
Light Fine Arts3 daysWednesday, 7/23/2025Friday, 7/25/2025
Trowbridge1 dayMonday, 7/28/2025Monday, 7/28/2025
Dewing3 daysTuesday, 7/29/2025Thursday, 7/31/2025
Dow1 dayFriday, 8/1/2025Friday, 8/1/2025
Upjohn Library & Hodge1 dayFriday, 8/1/2025Friday, 8/1/2025
Mandelle2 daysMonday, 8/4/2025Tuesday, 8/5/2025
The table shows the scheduled shut downs of all buildings on campus in order of start date.